Spring cleaning with robots at the Lenting tank farm
else: ?>The Lenting tank farm near Ingolstadt has a total of seven tanks with a total capacity of 318,000 m³. The crude oil is temporarily stored in these tanks on its way to the German refineries. The tanks are filled via tank field pipelines that branch off from the central pipeline. To ensure that the pipe systems laid in the ground have no defects from a technical point of view and are 100 percent operational and leak-proof, they are checked regularly. Currently, this concerns the tank field pipelines of tank 2. For this purpose, a remote-controlled inspection robot – the so-called newt – moves along the pipelines in the oil, measures the wall thickness via ultrasound and records numerous relevant data. This makes it possible to determine whether the wall thickness has changed, and if so, to what extent. Together with the TÜV experts, corrosion calculations are then carried out, which provide information about further maintenance work or the future service life.