Group Companies
The TAL Group consists of three companies with offices in Italy, Austria and Germany.
Founded in 1964, SIOT (Società Italiana per l’Oleodotto Transalpino S.p.A.) is located in San Dorligo della Valle (TS) and manages the 145 km long Italian section of the Transalpine Pipeline, running through the regional territory of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The Marine Terminal, located in the Bay of Muggia, is the starting point of the TAL system: here crude oil is unloaded from oil tankers and moved through the transfer lines that connect the piers with the Tank Farm at San Dorligo della Valle.
SIOT is the first marine terminal of the Port of Trieste, with an average of over 40 million tons of crude oil unloaded every year. It works in synergy with the Group’s companies in Austria and Germany to move crude oil to the refineries and connected systems.