Disponibile l’ultima versione dell’opuscolo “Fornitura di energia – ma sicura!”
else: ?>07.03.2023 – For interested citizens, the revised version of the Störfallbroschüre „Energieversorgung – aber sicher!“ is now available free of charge. The information brochure was updated in a joint cooperation of Deutsche Transalpine Oelleitung GmbH, the refineries BAYERNOIL and Gunvor, the Uniper power plants Ingolstadt/Irsching and the tank farm MERO.
In addition to a digital version, a printed version of the brochure is also available for pickup at the district offices of the region and the city and municipal administrations of the respective company locations.
In the new edition, the five participating companies again pledge to act responsibly in terms of safety, health and environmental protection and provide information on appropriate precautionary measures. General safety tips, explanations of the terms “Störfall” or “Betriebstörung” and correct behavior in the event of an incident are also included in the printed version.
The incident brochure is published every five years in accordance with the requirements of the twelfth Federal Immission Control Ordinance (12. BImSchV)