Environmental safety: SIOT contracts Ocean for 5 years to provide anti-pollution services at sea
else: ?>Lilli: ” We are proud to be able to work with local professionals and support the local economy”.
SIOT, the Italian company of the TAL Group which manages the Marine Terminal, the Tank Farm and the Italian section of the Transalpine Pipeline, announces that it has entrusted Ocean srl, following a tender, with the prevention, monitoring and anti-pollution services for the stretch of water relevant to its port terminal.
This is a strategic service for SIOT, which consists of all pollution prevention activities, guaranteeing the continuous control of the sea in the area where the oil tankers dock and the prompt response in case of need, with “booms” – the floating devices that trap the spills in case of an occurrence – as well as other technical actions to protect the marine environment.
The service to Ocean has been contracted for the next 5 years: “This contract – declared Alessio Lilli, President of SIOT – is one of the most important in economic terms for the company and also one of the most important in terms of safety. We confirmed Ocean’s choice at the end of a tender that showed that the company, which is based in Trieste, has all the requirements to provide this important service. The long-term nature of the contract is motivated by the need to work as a team, with high-tech machinery and equipment, guaranteeing a 24-hour service. We are proud of the fact that such a professionalism is present in the Port of Trieste and that our commitment translates into support for the local economy and specialised jobs”.
“For Ocean the partnership with SIOT is a source of pride – said Michela Cattaruzza, CEO of Ocean – the high standards required are for us a spur to continuous improvement and increase of the quality we offer with our services”.
Ocean srl will operate with five vessels, technologies and equipment at the disposal of SIOT that can detect any phenomenon related to crude oil spills.
Ocean can count on experienced personnel and adequate space to respond promptly to any occurrence.