Lenting tank farm: TAL begins this year’s overhaul program
else: ?>Tank overhaul – Tank No. 5 at the Lenting site of Deutsche Transalpine Oelleitung GmbH (TAL) is going out of service while being overhauled. During this process (calender week 16 and 17), temporary odor formation cannot be completely circumvented.
After the overhaul, TAL puts crude oil Tank No. 7 back into operation.
Together with experts and geologists from TÜV, Tank No. 5 will be intensively technically tested during the tank overhaul, in order to prepare it for the upcoming years.
The retrofit with a tertiary seal, which is also planned, will ensure that 99.8% less steam emerges from the crude oil tank in the future.
“This will be another milestone with regard to odor reduction for the surrounding communities,” says Harald Weber, operations manager at the Lenting tank farm.
Crude oil Tank No. 7, which had been overhauled and newly TÜV-certified using the same procedure, will go back into operation at the same time.
Large cranes, suction trucks and a mobile flare system are going to be in sight from outside during this time.
All these tasks serve to ensure safe and reliable energy transport.
The information on these examinations is preventive. They do not pose any danger to residents or the environment.